Bnb Rock the philadelphia rapper died in a robbery in south los Angeles

Hip hop artist PnB Rock is killed in a robbery in Los Angeles

Philadelphia-born hip hop artist Bnb Rock is killed in Los Angeles after he was robbed of his jewelry at the Roscoe’s
House of Chicken and Waffles in Los Angeles. Bnb rock is 30 years old, whose real name was Rakim Allen, was at the south
Los Angeles restaurant with his girlfriend, who had posted a location tag photo on Instagram that seems to have attracted
the attention of the perpetrator.

 PnB Rock was brought up as a Christian by religion He was born on December 9th of 1991 in the Germantown section of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He was raised primarily by his mother after his father was killed In the streets when he was only three years old. He resided in northeast Philadelphia when he was a teenager. He was brought up while listening to his favorite. Tupac Shakur and R and B trio Jodi.

He got locked up for committing robberies and for engaging in physical altercations in the classroom at school for fighting other students. He was given a 33 months prison sentence At the age of 19 For drug offenses. He lived on the street for a short while after he was released from prison, and also was a high dropped out. At his passing can be rock left behind two Children, the second of which was born to Stephanie. 

The mixtape Real Bunga Bangers, which was written while he was in jail, was released on June 24th, 2014. He entered into a recording contract with Atlantic Records in 2015 and the company published his third mixtape. At his passing can be rock left behind two Children, the second of which was born to Stephanie. 

we all remember pop smoke, whose real name is Bashar Barakah Jackson

This reminds us of another rapper, who recently was gaining lots of traction, a rapper out of New York City who also went to Los Angeles, ignored the warning, and also had his life taken away from him. we all remember pop smoke, whose real name is Bashar Barakah Jackson, and he was killed in February of 2020 in a home invasion after he was flaunting cash and jewelry on social media that attracted thugs from a gang.







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